February model making update
It’s been a while since I’ve posted any build updates so thought I’d pop up a post showing that time has been spent at the work bench, even if not very often! So here is a February model making update.
So what have I been working on when ‘life’ lets me get to the work bench?
Airfix 1/48 de Havilland Chipmunk T.10
This build of the Aifix Chipmunk has been two steps forward, one step back. This is due to no fault of the kit, but my tardy building skills.
If you are interested in what you get in the Airfix 1/48 de Havilland Chipmunk T.10, I did a what’s in the box review earlier.
It really is a very nice kit. My issues have been with not being very careful when building the engine, so I’m now struggling to fit it on the kit.
Another issue was with the kit decals, especially the lettering. The lettering does not have much carrier film. If the decal folds on itself, it can cause issues. In the end I had to order more RAF lettering from https://www.fantasyprintshop.co.uk/ to replace a ‘W’ that basically broke up.
This kit is almost complete and I WILL finish it soon 🙂
Matchbox 1/72 Percival Provost T.Mk1
While I was waiting for decals for the Chipmunk to arrive, I made a start on a nostalgia build. In this case the Matchbox 1/72 Percival Provost T.Mk1.
Quite a fun little kit to build. Basically doing it ‘out of the box’. Decided not to worry about cockpit detail, because the thickness of the canopy, you are not going to see a lot!
Progress is going well, and this kit will probably be finished before the Chipmunk!!!
Airfix Modelling Club
The final February model making update is that I renewed my Airfix club membership.
I did this because I like to think it helps to keep a very iconic model company going. Also I have quite a few ‘Flying Hours’ that I will be using for a kit in the near future. So it would have been daft not to take advantage of this perk.
The final reason, the kit that comes as part of the package!
The BAe Hawk fits well with the Cold War era (except for the black scheme). The training scheme Hawk will go well with my previous Hawk build.
Fingers crossed I get more bench time in the next few weeks and I can get a finished model posted on here.
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