Colour Schemes

This page is a link to other pages that feature colour schemes from key events of the Cold War period.

From 1947 to 1991 there were many events that occurred relating to the confrontation between East and West. So in theory this section of the site has the possibility of being massive.

However, time constraints for research and producing the illustrations will certainly limit what I can create for the site. But it will certainly keep me busy! 

It may also branch into the land element of the Cold War, and you may see some AFV, vehicle or figure illustrations on some of the pages.

If you see any errors or can add extra information, please don’t hesitate to contact me, with details.

If you find the quality of the illustrations to be up to a standard that you feel could be useful in a commercial setting, then pop over to my illustration website for more info and contact details.

Index to Colour schemes from key events of the Cold War

Below is the index and links to various events, campaigns or small wars. Click on the image to see more details about the particular event.