Yeovil Model Show

Last weekend, Sunday 10th April 2022, we drove over to the Yeovil Model Show. The last time we visited was in 2019, and we all know what happened for the next couple of years!

It was really good to get out to a model show having had to miss them due to the pandemic. The organisers ( had moved the location since 2019. This actually made it easier for us to find. Parking was a bit tight, but most people were sensible where they placed their cars.

The organisers made good use of the new venue. Displays were in 3 separate buildings at the location, so plenty of room between display tables and stall holders.

Because we have not been to a show since 2019, and I guess model makers have had quite a bit of time on their hands during 2020, there was a lot of new builds to be seen.

I have to say, that Paul Bennett’s small scale diorama displays were very eye catching. Paul was very helpful in giving me details of where he gets his 1/76 and 1/72 figures from. You’ll see from the video below, that I took quite a few photos of his work, shame I can’t find him on FB or if he has a website.

Lots of great builds on display, I focused mostly on Cold War builds when taking photos. Figure and bust builds always grab my attention. In fact I purchased a 54mm white metal figure of an ancient period warrior from one of the rummage boxes on one of the displays, yeah I know, it’s not Cold War!

Some great Falklands themed builds and displays also on show. Which was good for me, as I have a plan to do some Harriers this year.

The show has certainly given me lots of inspiration, which has been a bit lacking over the last few months. So fingers crossed I get to get more bench time over the next few months.

Anyway, I made a little video montage of my photos from the day, hope you enjoy.

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