Something old something new
Why something old something new? I’ve just added new additions to my stash, that are a good few decades apart from Airfix.
The two kits in question are the Airfix 1/72 F-80C Shooting Star and the Airfix 1/72 Meteor F8. The F-80C was first released by Airfix in 1973, the Meteor F8 this year, 2022. So quite a bit of time between the 2 kits.
I’ve had a quick look in the boxes. No surprise the Meteor is chock full of detail and a respectable parts count. The Shooting Star start is of its time.
The Shooting Star features recessed and raised detail, which is very finely done.
As both are technically new releases for 2022, so they come with the sublime decals produced by Cartograph. I’ll not be using the Meteor decals, as I want to build it as a RAAF 77 Squadron aircraft.
But a quick peek at the Shooting Star decals won’t hurt.
So why these 2 kits, I hear you ask? Both kits are a great fit for my Korean Air War project.
Secondly, I’ve had my eye on the Meteor ever since Airfix announced it. I’ve been putting off buying it, but circumstances prevailed and it was added to the stash.
Thirdly, I’d built the Shooting Star in my youth, and the colour scheme had also stuck with me. So the Shooting Star is also a bit of a nostalgia build.
However before I start on these 2 something old something new builds, I really need to find some bench time to finish my 1/35 Land Rover build, which has stalled a bit due to time constraints.
Something old something new – box art
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