F-4 Phantom – A look at Flightcraft’s book

The F-4 Phantom, my number 1 aircraft of all time! Is it a bit strange that I have not yet built an F-4 Phantom? Well except for a 1/144 version many years ago.

I’m sure this book from Flightcraft, who’s proper title is McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom will be the catalyst of lots of future builds.

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Just like the Gloster Meteor book that I posted about previously, the book is aimed at the model maker.

Both books came from Amazon, and I did have to return the first copy of the Phantom book. There were some issues with print quality, guess that one was a Friday afternoon print. I contacted Amazon for a replacement and my replacement copy has no such issues.

Front cover of the book

So what do you get with this book? You get 96 pages jammed packed with information, photos and colour profiles.

Chapters cover:

  • Introduction
  • Design & Development
  • F4 in Foreign Service
  • Camouflage & Markings
  • Modelling the F-4 Phantom II
    • F-4B Phantom II, US Navy, Academy 1/48
    • F-4B Phantom II, US Navy, Tamiya 1/48
    • F-4C converted to EF-4C, Academy 1/48
    • F-4D Phantom II, USAF SE Asia, Zoukei-Mura 1/48
    • F-4E Phantom II, Hellenic AF, Tamiya 1/48
    • F-4E Phantom II, early USAF, Zoukei-Mura 1/48
    • F4EJ Phantom II, JASDF, Zoukei-Mura 1/48
    • F-4G Phantom II, Wild Weasel USAF, Hasegawa 1/72
    • F-4J Phantom II, US Navy, Tamiya 1/32
    • F-4J Phantom II, US Marines, Zoukei-Mura 1/48
    • F-4J(UK) Phantom II, Tamiya 1/32
    • F-4S Phantom II, US Marines, Hasegawa 1/48
    • FGR.2 Phantom II, RAF, Revell (Hasegawa) 1/48
  • Further reading and Bibliography
Back cover of the book.

As you can see, the bulk of the book is made up with model projects.

In addition, you also get 8 pages of colour side profiles to whet your appetite.

This is the first time I’ve come across the Zoukei-Mura brand. Looks like they do a lot of F-4 Phantom kits.

If you are looking for a book to inspire some 1/48 F-4 Phantom II builds, then I think this book is a must.

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