Elhiem 1:72 Soviet Motor Rifle Infantry
Continuing from my two previous posts featuring Elhiem figures (Quick look at Elhiem 1:72 (20mm) figures and BAOR British Infantry 1:72) I finally got around to painting the Elhiem 1:72 Soviet Motor Rifle Infantry.
These guys had quite a bit of flash on them, but that was easily removed with some snippers. Then if required cleaned up with a metal file.

So after a quick clean with IPA (not the beer!), they were ready to prime. I blue-tacked them to coffee stirring sticks (available from your local McD)

Next step was to prime the figures. Again, as per the BAOR figures I used Halfords grey car primer.

My next step differs from my previous metal figure painting. I took a note out of wargamers painting tips and gave the figures a coat of flat black.
The idea behind this is if the following coats of paint don’t get in to every nook and cranny, then the black will hide the silver of the metal, or the grey primer.

Now the fun bit starts, the painting of the base colours. I used a mixture of Vallejo and Tamiya paints, but didn’t make a note of which ones I used!

Figures now ready for adding some shadow effects.

Base colours all finished, next step was to use a mixture of dark colours as washes to flow in to creases and some dry brushing for the high lights.
So the final results for the Elhiem 1:72 Soviet Motor Rifle Infantry is as follows.

Considering the amount of flash on the figures at the start, they came out quite well. I’m sure someone with better painting skills would make a far better job, but I’m quite pleased with them.

I did give the figures a coat of Matt varnish, which seems to look almost satin. I seem to have this problem with matt varnish. But it does keep the figures protected.
If you would like more info about the Elhiem figures, pop over to their website www.elhiem.co.uk
My plan for these guys is to add them on a little diorama incorporating a ICM BTR60 model kit, blog to follow.