Korean Air War Project – Update

Just a quick Korean Air War project update.

Where to start? Well lets start with the first of the CMK 1/72 USAF Korean Air War pilots that I painted.

I wanted a way to be able to display him on an airfield setting. I didn’t want the pilot stuck in one place. By doing this I could re-use the base for other ‘set ups’.

The example base in question is the Amera S222 Dispersal Area. My idea is to have the pilot standing next to various items, which has been draped with a tarp. My figure would then be standing on the tarp.

See the photo’s below to see what I’m getting at.

Image of CMK 1/72 USAF Korean Air War Pilot and various oil drums etc. Front view.

Image of CMK 1/72 USAF Korean Air War Pilot and various oil drums etc. Rear view.

The pilot figure is from CMK, Jerry Cans and Box from the Airfix Jeep set. The oil drums I found on Etsy via a shop called ScaleMiniaturesUK. The tarp is a piece of tissue paper soaked in PVA glue. I think it worked quite well.

What’s next on the Korean Air War update? That will be a USAF Police Jeep.

Again, using the Airfix Jeep (I have a few of these in my stash!). I did a straight from the box build and added the 30 cal machine gun.

This build was based on photos that I found on https://www.usafpolice.org/korea.html. The USAF ‘Star and Bars’ decals were borrowed from a 1/144 scale kit. The bonnet star from the kit decals.

Another great Etsy find was the driver figure, this time a shop called 3Djson. I did have to adjust his rear end for him to sit correctly in the Jeep.

Airfix 1/72 Jeep and driver figure.
Amera S222 Dispersal Area with Airfix 1/72 F-51 Mustang, CMK 1/72 USAF Pilot and Airfix Jeep.
CMK 1/72 USAF Pilot Figure and Airfix 1/72 F-51 Mustang.

Korean Air War – Update (aviation)

I’m making progress with the Airfix F-80C and the Academy F-86F.

The F-80C is almost complete. I just need to paint one more area in blue. I only realised this when I started thinking about adding the decals.

Not being confident that I could match the blue recommended on the instruction sheet. Therefore I picked up Humbrol’s new dropper bottle acrylics. No.25 Blue – Matt is the suggested colour. I will report back on how I get on with it in the future.

Airfix 1/72 F-80C Shooting Star almost ready for decals.

The F-86F is slightly behind in the production process. The next stage for the F-86F is a coat of varnish. Followed by some painting of panels in different metal finishes.

Academy 1/72 F-86F Sabre, work in progress.

Stuart Fowle is a participant in the Airfix Affiliates programme , an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Airfix. This means that when you click on links to various products on this site/post and make a purchase, this can result in a commission that is credited to Stuart Fowle. This does not impact the price you pay

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