Amera S222 Dispersal Area

I purchased the Amera S222 Dispersal Area to display my Korean Air War Project model builds.

The Amera dispersal area depicts a tarmac/concreate area, surrounded on 3 sides by earth banks. Behind which there is a dirt track and another earth bank. Size wise it is 35x26cm (including border), or 33x24cm if you remove the border.

S222 comes as a vacuum formed plastic, so is lightweight and has some nice detail included. It is designed primarily for war gaming, but with some work it can be turned in to a detailed diorama.

You can view the complete Amera range over on their web site: As you will see, they have a lot of very interesting diorama bases to use.

So, what did I use to help give the Amera S222 Dispersal Area some life?

Obviously acrylic paints, to give base colour coats for the concrete and earth areas. This was a mixture of Vallejo, Humbrol and Tamiya paints.

In conjunction with the paints, I also used Vallejo Model Wash from my small collection of these washes.

To give the dirt road a bit more life, I used Mediterranean Soil from which I filtered out the larger ‘rocks’. Again, to give some different hues and tones, I used some of the Vallejo washes once the glue had dried.

Then came the new fun part for me, the static grass application. I have been very lucky to be able to purchase WWScenics Pro Static Grass Applicator Layer System

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Perfect system as everything in one package to get you started.

With a combination of building up layers, what you hopefully get is a natural looking grass fields etc. To break up the green, plus to add some interest, I dotted around a few Warpainter Scenics Yellow Flowers.

The final touch was to use Revell Weathering Powder to unify certain areas, and to add some dust to the concrete area.

Finally, I’m currently working on some little stand-alone additions to add the the diorama. They will help to set the scene for the aviation elements I add.

Amera S222 Dispersal Area – Video

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