Colour schemes from Cold War era events

This section of the website features links to pages that show colour schemes from the Cold War era events. The pages will contain a brief write up about the event and then a election of colour profiles created by myself.

There were many events, campaigns and small wars during the period of the Cold War which aircraft from the various nations would have been used.

I’m in no way a professional historian, just someone who has a keen interest in the Cold War era. If you see any errors or can add extra information, please don’t hesitate to contact me, with details.#

I would also always be happy to hear any suggestions for events to be featured. There is of course the usual big events, but I’m sure there are many smaller events that would be just as equally fascinating.

Index to featured colour schemes from Cold War era events

Below is the index and links to various events, campaigns or small wars. Click on the image to see more details about the particular aircraft.

In time, I will be adding to the pages. However, as you can imagine, depending on the scope of the event, some require more research than others. It will be a slow process, but keep checking back for updates.

It is quite possible in time, that the pages may also include vehicles, armour and figure illustrations.