Airfix 1/72 Spitfire PR.XIX (A02017A)
Not sure when I acquired this Airfix 1/72 Spitfire PR XIX kit up. I obviously got it because it fits in the Cold War period.
Construction of the kit was straight out of the box.
To enhance the cockpit, seatbelts were cut from masking tape. At this scale and size of model, adding detail to the cockpit seemed a bit irrelevant.
The Airfix 1/72 Spitfire PR.XIX build

Step 1 prime the inside areas, such as the cockpit, wheel wells etc., and then give them a coat of Hataka A025 Interior Grey-Green. I hand painted the cockpit details with various paints to hand.

Gluing the main components together, including the transparent areas where the cameras would be located in the real aircraft. Usual use of tape and pegs to hold the parts together while the glue sets.

Seam line and gaps filled and sanded. For small areas I use Vallejo Plastic Putty.
For larger gaps, such as the wing roots, I use standard yellow-grey milliput.
Sanding and filling is now completed, a black paint is applied to see if further work is required.

Canopy masked using Tamiya masking tapes and attached to the kit with PVA glue.

Kit primed with Halfords grey metal primer paint. I was keen to get the primer on, that I had forgotten to mask the side camera window. Then when I attempted to remove the primer, I pushed the window into the body of the fuselage. I did mask the two underside transparencies, I used Vallejo Liquid Mask.

With this kit, I decided to have a go at pre-shading. Lucky for me,, pre-shading does not have to be very accurate, as my airbrush skills are not up to precise work as yet.

The underside pre-shaded.

As this is a photo reconnaissance aircraft, it has a nice simple paint scheme. I sprayed Vallejo 71.109 Faded PRU Blue for the overall colour. The pre-shading adds a nice subtle effect.

The underneath, wheel wells masked with blue-tak.

Jumping ahead, model given a coat of gloss varnish then decals applied. I used Micro Sol to set the decals, but I really need to use much more than I do, as they don’t always settle in to the panel lines. Followed by a coat of varnish to seal the decals. To add a little extra I also did a very subtle exhaust stain using some pastel chalk from a cheap set of artist pastels.
The finished Airfix 1/72 Spitfire PR.XIX
(Stuart Fowle is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.)
During the build of the Airfix 1/72 Spitfire PR XIX, I used a number of products, that you also may find useful. To start with, fillers are something every model maker requires, and the 2 that I find the best are Vallejo Plastic Putty and Standard Milliput Yellow-Grey.
For masking, I use Tamiya 10mm tape and Tamiya 3mm tape plus when required standard decorating tape. I always, well nearly always, take some of the stickiness from the tape by sticking it to my trousers before applying to the models painted surface.
I also used Vallejo Liquid Mask to mask the transparent parts of the kit.
The P.R.U. Blue was Vallejo 71.109 Faded P.R.U. Blue, which sprayed quite well. The Interior green was from the Hataka RAF in Africa acrylic paint set (AS08). I’ve had mixed results when spraying Hataka paints, but that may be more down to my inexperience.